Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Mud Bath

I love all of my siberian huskies, but when the fall and spring come I wish I didn't have so many. Those times of the year turn my home into a mud pit.

We have a doggie door, which I love because my dogs are able to come and go as they please. I just wish they didn't track so much mud into the house with them. I could lock them in or out, but I hate doing that to them. I like my freedom why wouldn't they.

Of course as soon as they come inside they have to shake themselves off. That leads to mud all over the walls and appliances as well. I spend alot of time durng the spring and fall wiping down the walls.

Even though I wish they didn't take mud baths, I love my siberian huskies. They keep me company and bring me joy. I would never get rid of my babies.

They each have their own personalities and unique behaviors. Take Shy for example, she has a stuffed porcupine that she carries around while making a low growling sound. Then she'll lay it down next to her as if daring the other dogs to take it. How could you not love her.

For More Information On Siberian Huskies Click Here.

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